Dubai Bling: Details about the cast of season two you probably didn’t know
We got the down and dirty with the cast...

Ahead of the release of season two of Dubai Bling, we sat down with some of the cast and asked them about some of their juiciest pick ‘n’ ick to find out all the saucy details. By now, if you’re anything like we are – you will have rewatched season one and binged all of season two in about less than two days flat. If so, that means that this information will be a juicy little extra for you.

Here are details about the cast of Dubai Bling season two you didn’t know. 




A post shared by Mona Kattan Elamin✌🏽🤎🧸🍉✨🪽 (@monakattan)

Pick: Bling. Just bling. Which is fitting.

Ick: I don’t think I hate anything. I’m very open to trying anything. But I think if I had to pick one, I’d say low waist pants.

Pick: So my pick would actually be having time off to just chill out because I don’t normally get that.

Ick: I think it’s when I don’t make any plans and then I’m watching everybody else have fun and then I’m like “Why didn’t I make any plans?”



A post shared by Brianna Fade (@briannafade)

Pick: I’m going to have to say a double cheese, double mushroom pizza from literally anywhere.

Ick: Yeah an ick immediately for me is truffle, I can’t do anything with truffle on it. Or anything that’s too spicy.

Pick: It was obviously my wedding, getting married to my beautiful wife Brianna. It was definitely something that I’ll remember for the rest of my life. And it was so nice to see everybody’s reaction to it too.

Ick: Ick would have to be people saying that they don’t want drama and want to avoid the drama but they really do want and love the drama. I think if you’re going to bring the drama then just really bring it and own it.



A post shared by Safa/صفا Siddiqui (@safa_dubai)

Pick: I love platform heels, because I definitely need the height.

Ick: You’ll never find me in flat shoes, no kitten heels or sneakers. I can’t do it. Even if my feet are sore, it’s okay – beauty is pain.

Pick: I’d have to say finding out that I was pregnant with my daughter. That was just absolutely crazy and such a magical moment.

Ick: I would say, some of the others.



A post shared by LJ Loujain Adada (@loujainaj)

Pick: Matching everything, I love dressing up with my girls in festive pyjamas, matching our outfits – doing the whole Kim Kardashian Christmas card kind of thing.

Ick: My ick would be, that there are way too many events during the season, and I can’t go to all of them even if I want to.

Pick: My pick was getting to know everyone. We became so close and I made good friends.

Ick: I’d have to say my dates.



A post shared by Zeina khoury زينه الخوري (@thezeinakhoury)

Pick: It has to be the burrata butter chicken, that you can find at the Masti stall in Time Out Market Dubai.

Ick: I don’t like it when food is slurpy, or goopy.

Pick: My pick would be the infamous coffee scene. Because my pain inspired me to create my brand I Am The Company.

Ick: Also, the infamous coffee scene in the office. I hated all the stress that went with it.

Images: Supplied 

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