“When One Door Closes, One Door Opens” Quotes for a Positive Outlook
Life throws lemons at us in myriad ways. Failing an exam at school, being let down by a dream college or employer, losing a precious relationship—the list | SUCCESS
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Life throws lemons at us in myriad ways. Failing an exam at school, being let down by a dream college or employer, losing a precious relationship—the list never ends. Such difficulties might feel like doors closing in your face, leaving you stuck and lost. During such moments, it often helps to turn your attention to the doors that are still open.

For every door that closes, one door opens and gives way to a new possibility. All you need is a little change in perspective. These quotes about closed and open doors can help you maintain a positive outlook and see new beginnings during tough, challenging times.

These sayings serve as a reminder that you can find the silver lining in situations that feel only bitter at first glance. Make these quotes a part of your mindset or send them to someone who needs them.

Some of the most influential people in history and the contemporary world are also those who have witnessed exceptionally troubling times, yet they become stronger because of their ability to cling to hope amidst uncertainty and despair.

While some quotes have clear attribution to the author, thought leader or expert, others have origins that are a bit more ambiguous. The water is a little murky when it comes to “when one door closes” quotes. According to research from Quote Investigator, some of the earliest uses of the quote can be traced back to:

Variations of the phrase have also been attributed to other notable people in history, including Alexander Graham Bell and German Romantic writer Johann Paul Friedrich Richter, however, those attributions are unconfirmed. 

“When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.” —Found in Helen Keller’s We Bereaved

Another version of the “open door” quote, above, is found in Helen Keller’s 1920 book We Bereaved. Though the quote is often attributed to her, because of the earlier variations, this is not confirmed as an original source.

Keller’s life, however, reflects this quote beautifully. A serious illness left Helen Keller blind and deaf when she was just 19 months old. When she had just begun to experience the world, the doors of vision and hearing closed before her.

Against all odds, though, Keller not only learned to communicate, but she completed her education, graduated with distinction and ultimately went on to great success. She became a disability rights advocate, activist and even an author. Despite the circumstances she was faced with, she wrote several books about her struggles, experiences and learnings, inspiring the world through her tenacity. Amid the darkness and silence, Keller found new doors and found a new way to live.

“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn’t matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” —Paulo Coelho

We now know Paulo Coelho as one of the most successful writers of our time, but his initial years were tough and challenging. His parents opposed his dreams of becoming  a writer and even sent him to a mental institution three times during his teen years. He was locked up for months and even given electric shocks. 

Later, he was tortured and arrested by the ruling military in Brazil. He struggled with finding a stable career before finally becoming a writer. The first few books failed, but thanks to Coelho’s firm determination, he finally got his break with The Alchemist—a book that went on to become one of the highest-selling books ever with over 320 million copies sold.

Coelho has never looked back since, and his life can inspire us that even when doors appear shut, doors open if we only keep going.

“Maybe a reason why all the doors are closed, so you could open one that leads you to the perfect road.” —Katy Perry, Firework

Katy Perry is among the most renowned music artists in history, yet her journey to stardom didn’t come easy. She has opened up about her struggles in her early years. She grew up in an impoverished household and had to rise through extreme poverty to fulfill her passion. Perry also battled depression and other mental health issues—and yet continues to be a bold and inspiring voice for millions.

Be it Keller, Coelho or Perry—each of their lives and words help inspire us that no matter how hard life might get and how many doors might close, there are always more doors and more opportunities waiting to be opened. The best part? The world is full of people who have realized this. Let’s go through these realizations via these inspiring quotes.

Related: Reflective Quotes for Inner Peace

Losing something usually makes us more aware of what we have. When we realize this, we can start seeing a closed door as a chance to explore other open doors, turning losses into a source of light. Here are some inspiring “when one door closes, another opens” quotes to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Related: Uplifting Quotes for Positive Vibes

As much as it hurts to be on the unfortunate side of a closed door, it’s not always as bad as we think. We don’t always have the full picture of what’s in store or realize our own abilities to take agency. Sometimes, when one door shuts it leads to an even better opportunity, though we might only realize this in hindsight later. Other times, we might just need a more creative or positive way to look at the situation and see where we can take action, make a change or approach the situation differently. These sayings might help you start to embrace resilience and change your outlook on closed doors:

A closed door may feel like a dead end, but often it’s anything but. On the contrary, it might be your sign to start afresh. Let these closed-door quotes help you see new beginnings toward something new and fulfilling.

It’s okay to feel disheartened and lost. It’s okay to pause and grieve. However, it can also help to remember that while losses are painful, they give you another reason to keep moving. Sometimes, it’s only when you turn away from the closed doors that you see the paths ahead of you.

Open new doors, walk those untrodden paths and see where life takes you. Somewhere in the future, you will likely find yourself being thankful for closed doors. As Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard puts it: “It is really true what philosophy tells us, that life must be understood backwards. But with this, one forgets the second proposition, that it must be lived forwards.” So, trust the process; new beginnings await you!

Photo from Master1305/Shutterstock.com

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