What Is the ADKAR Change Management Model?
Implementing change in the workplace can be tough, but there are tools like the ADKAR model of change management that can help. | SUCCESS

Earlier this year, I facilitated a rapid fire training on change management to more than 50 health care leaders. Change management is a structured process that involves coordinating various activities to lead people through desired change.

The training was 45 minutes, but the group was fully engaged and we almost ran out of time.

We discussed the ADKAR model to change management. This may help organize your thoughts and planning if you’re implementing some kind of change.

When elements of the change process are handled poorly or not considered at all, it results in mismanaged change. Common causes may include poor communication, lack of leadership buy-in and overlooking culture and fit. 

Keep in mind that following any change management process can still result in mismanaged change. This is why it’s important not only to carve out appropriate time to think through all areas of a project, but also to include various stakeholders. This allows for diversity of thought to ensure the project is examined from multiple perspectives. 

If you notice the following examples of mismanaged change in your business, it’s best to address them immediately before moving further in the change process:

When change is done well, it can mean increased employee engagement, improved productivity and greater ROI.

Change management isn’t just needed in organizations. What about within your family? What about within yourself, for personal growth or optimal leadership performance?

It could mean moving from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset or to a place of increased confidence and improved presentation skills. ADKAR principles still apply: Identify your current and future state and what needs to happen to reduce the space in between.

When change is managed well at the individual level, the end result can be priceless! It could mean paving a new way of life for you and your family, bringing on additional employees or creating a new program for youth in your community. 

You likely know exactly what you need to change in your life, business or career, so ask yourself the following question: What’s holding you back from making that change, and what’s at stake if you don’t? 

Photo by Branislav Nenin/Shutterstock.com

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