68 Powerful Hope Quotes to Keep Moving Forward  
Hope quotes empower us to persevere through adversity, bring healing and inspire us to believe in a brighter future. | SUCCESS
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Hope is more than just wishful thinking or a far-off fantasy of a better future. It’s the confidence that the beautiful life and events you dream of are achievable with some persistence and even in the face of adversity. This powerful sentiment is what carries us through difficult times, providing us with a guiding light at the end of the tunnel. 

But, we don’t call on hope only in moments of hardship. It also acts as a catalyst for everyday motivation and well-being. Without hope, we lose our way in life. 

The following sayings about hope help us better define the word’s meaning in all its forms. Use these hopeful quotes to fuel your optimism and fire as you continue to push towards whatever it is you’re pursuing, whether it be a new job, new skills, deeper relationships or even just a happier existence. 

Some of the world’s most prominent leaders and thinkers embody hope. Throughout our history, many have campaigned for a more hopeful tomorrow and spoken of its power to affect change. Here, we are highlighting just a few famous quotes about hope. We’ll start with a hope quote by Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights activist who also notoriously said “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” 

Related Link: 100 Inner Peace Quotes

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Inspirational Hope Quotes to Uplift & Encourage

Hope is often thought of as an innate trait that most people possess— ust to varying degrees based on environment, experiences, etc. But, there often comes a time in our lives when we need a little bit of a push to get us back to that positive headspace. Use these hopes and dreams quotes as your inspiration. 

Related Link: 75 Joy Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day and Lift Your Spirit

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn—an adage that dates all the way back to 1650 in a poem written by Thomas Fuller. This means that things often seem the worst right before they improve. If you find yourself going through a low place of sorrow or misfortune, lean on the following quotes about hope and strength. Better days are ahead. Don’t lose faith. 

Related Link: 50 Reassuring Quotes For A Stressful Day

It doesn’t necessarily take excessive verbiage to express the importance of hope. Irish writer Oliver Goldsmith’s quotes on hope and statements from other influential people purvey their own definition of the word, leaving us with much food for thought. 

Looking ahead in our lives can be daunting, especially when we’re not sure where the road will lead. These encouraging quotes about hope help us to see that even in uncertainty, there’s still beauty. If you treat each day as another opportunity to find success and happiness, you can look forward to the good. 

Learning how to maintain hope is just as important as cultivating it in the first place. But, it takes discipline. You’ll need to focus on what you can control, be grateful for what you have and strive to preserve an optimistic outlook. You can also refer to the following inspirational hope quotes when you need an extra dose of encouragement. 

The below quotes (including a quote from English theologian N.T. Wright) remind us that hope can be defined in many different ways. It doesn’t always look or feel the same for everyone. As you navigate your own journey to a brighter future, consider these words and create your own unique interpretation of hope. 

As humans, hope is one of our greatest superpowers—an invaluable tool that motivates us, carries us through adversity, and helps us navigate life’s stormy waters. More importantly, hope is healing. The inner peace that we gain from the belief that things will work out in our favor is transformative and fuels unwavering perseverance. 

From hope is a good thing quotes to losing hope quotes, the above list acts as a reminder that a brighter future is possible. Use it as a resource when you’re going through a rough patch or simply need a more sanguine perspective to achieve your dreams, no matter how big or small.

Photo by Cast Of Thousands/shutterstock.com

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