slimming massage

Our readers will know by now that we have Balinese Luxury Touch on speed dial. Each of the treatments we have tried from this at-home luxury massage service has been fabulous. My latest discovery is the wonders of their Slimming Massage-one that I knew would not be as relaxing so had been putting it off for a while.

This intense massage is designed to break up fat under the skin and re-shape your body. Using a special oil made with different herbs it assists in breaking the fatty tissue. The one-hour treatment promises to not only get rid of cellulite but also improve muscle tone, help with water retention, boost circulation and help get eliminate toxins from the body.

One of our biggest concerns as we told our lovely therapist was cellulite. She explained it is often caused by poor blood circulation, fluid retention, and impaired lymphatic drainage. Working out in the gym may improve the appearance, but it doesn’t entirely solve the problem. The only real way to get rid of it entirely is to break the fat and boost blood circulation.

The massage lasts for one hour – and you will feel every minute of it. The therapist is very experienced, massaging cellulite-prone skin vigorously to get the blood pumping. The treatment is very thorough and not a single inch of your legs or stomach and back will be spared. Brace yourself for clenched teeth – it hurts at times, but I was told that the more we did it, the better the result, which kept us focused. For best results, the therapist recommend one massage per week.

This isn’t the kind of massage that you will drift off to sleep peacefully – but if you want to show off dimple-free thighs on the beach, I really recommend it.

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